
How Elizabeth Peters Found Amelia Peabody’s Voice — 4 Comments

  1. Thanks for reprinting/reposting this. I’m not experienced enough to validate her points, but I’m sitting in awe feeling sure that I have heard a master speak of those things that would help someone like me (a great unpublished) improve on anything I would write, especially if I want to set it in an historical period. Not putting in “interesting” things because they basically do not belong (they do not make the story forward) is probably one of those things that could kill an otherwise well-told historical fiction story.

  2. I’m so glad you re-shared this. Both my husband and I are huge fans of Elizabeth Peters’s work. We’re perhaps more conscious of her voice (?) because we often hear Amelia et al in audio books and, (we think) they have excellent readers who capture Amelia’s voice (and Emerson’s and Ramses’s and Nephret’s) beautifully. Love to hear Amelia talking, whether in print or as depicted by an actor.

  3. I was there and it was the highlight of the whole conference. I am so glad I didn’t miss it. I’m well familiar with those who took part in the skit from other conferences. I wonder if it was taped at all. It would be great to watch it again.

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