
Part 2: Three Writers’ Conferences: Malice Domestic — 9 Comments

  1. Should you have any doubts about Malice go round, I bought your book because of it.

  2. I went as a Malice Virgin (though with 6 published books) and loved it! Everyone was so kind but the kindest one of all was Dina Willner who looked after me like a mother – I hadn’t realised she was so important in the Malice Fan Hierarchy until I saw how much everyone loved her!

    • I didn’t do both. I was strictly a spectator at the New Authors’ Breakfast this year. I did it a few years ago when my short story was in Chesapeake Crimes 3.

  3. Very nice summary! I went for several years as an unpublished author, too, and it’s sure different from the other side. I’m happy you got the experience.

    I’ll join you in crowning Barb Goffman Czar. Or maybe Czarina.

  4. I love Barb as a czar! LOL!
    Malice Go Round is wonderful, but it’s exhausting! I agree with you, Carolyn. Malice is a little different once you’re published. So much going on! But it’s all good. My favorite conference!

  5. Carolyn, It was such a pleasure doing Malice-Go-Round with you. No one would mix up the books, but I think the two protagonists would get along!

    • Yes, and I certainly share your concern about the future of Aghanistan’s women and girls.

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